Cleeng opening refund policy statement
Believe it or not, sometimes a refund can lead to subscriber satisfaction and retention. Understanding your subscriber issues and providing leniency when applicable can build real trust and keep your subscribers onboard.
When a subscriber purchases premium content, there may be circumstances in which a refund needs to be considered or possibly granted. Cleeng has identified and developed a list of reasons in line with industry standards as to why a refund may or may not be granted that can be accessed via Cleeng's Terms and Conditions. For any further questions relating to the Cleeng refund policy, please contact our support team.
To put things in perspective, over the years we have seen that services usually experience roughly 1% of refunds from the total amount of sales. For any eCommerce company, refunds are part of the normal activities and can easily range from 1% to 10% or more in sectors such as retail fashion for example.
Eligible Refund Reasons
- When a user made double/multiple purchases using the same registration/login data and was able to provide substantial proof of actual payments
- When the event was canceled by the broadcaster.
- When more than 80% of the show had streaming issues (no sound, or poor sound & video quality).
- When a video was missing as it wasn’t offered by the broadcaster.
Content related:
- The content was misleading – the description didn’t relate to the actual content of the video.
Ineligible refund reasons
The refund policy is a part of Cleeng's Terms and Conditions.
- Please see the Master Service Agreement (CMSA) point 6
- Please see the User Agreement point 6
Where to find refund requests
For broadcasters using Hi5, you will have the ability to have the final say on which refunds are approved or denied. When a refund request is submitted to the Cleeng Customer Success team, they will perform their due diligence and if the outcome may require a refund, it will be submitted directly into your dashboard. Use this FAQ to learn more.