(1 min read)
The overview dashboard is a quick snapshot of several key aspects of a subscription business. This high level view shows how the business is performing today compared to the last 3 months within the context of revenue, subscriber growth, customer lifetime value, churn and customer retention.
Should you want to look at any of these areas in more detail, you should click on the Financial Performance or Retention Journey sections in the navigation bar.
Key Metrics:
Active Subscribers
The total number of customers with active subscriptions (Learn more).
New Subscribers
The total number of customers who became active subscribers in some period of time (Learn more).
Net Subscriber Growth
The balance between new subscribers and churned subscribers for the time period you are viewing (Learn more).
Monthly Recurring Revenue
Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) gives you an accurate picture of the overall financial health of your subscription business. It shows you the subscription revenue you can expect to generate in the next month at any point in time (Learn more).
Your gross revenue from sales for the time period you are viewing (Learn more)
Customer Lifetime Value
The expected revenue value of a new paying subscriber at any point in time (Learn more).
Churn Rate
The percentage of subscribers who churn their subscription in a given month (Learn more).
Trial Conversion Rate
The percentage of customers in a free trial who convert to a paid subscription in the time period you are viewing (Learn more)
Average Subscriber Lifecycle
The number of days for which an average subscriber is active before churning from the subscription (Learn more).