The balance between new subscribers and subscriber churn drives your growth. This relationship is critical to your business outcomes, and it is important to look both churn and acquisition as two parts to one subscriber movement picture.
You can find your subscriber movement analytics in the Subscribe step of the Retention Journey.
Measurement: Subscriber movement is the net balance between new subscribers and churned subscribers in the period you have selected.
A subscriber will be counted as churned only if they have no remaining subscriptions. If a subscriber has two subscriptions and cancels one, they will instead be counted as having been downgraded.
Analyzing Your Subscriber Movement
The subscriber movement chart is especially important for tracking the impact of churn on your overall growth rates. Consider the following scenarios:
Scenario A
- Subscriber count in January is 10,000
- Average acquisition rate is 12%
- Average churn rate is 10%
- Subscriber count in December is 11,003 (+1,003)
Scenario B
- Subscriber count in January is 10,000
- Average acquisition rate is 12%
- Average churn rate is 8%
- Subscriber count in December is 14,324 (+4,324)
A 2-point difference in churn equates to more than a 4-fold increase in overall subscriber growth.
Offer Subscriber Movement
Offer Subscriber Movement shows the balance between acquisition and churn for each of your offers. You can find it in the Offer Dashboard.