As part of the User Agreement, when a customer signs up for a subscription it is on a recurring basis, meaning that when the next installment is due Cleeng, will automatically deduct the funds from the customer's account.
Although this may seem obvious there is actually quite a bit of interesting logic set in place to ensure your users not only have a seamless experience without any service interruptions but also to reduce the amount of customer churn that comes from things like expired credit cards or insufficient funds. So let us provide some insights into the advanced logic (or magic) that is happening when using Cleeng Core behind the scenes.
Note: Dunning Actions view is available in Cleeng Dashboard.
Automated Payment Retrials
Payment retrials in Cleeng's dunning process involve retrying payment attempts at specific intervals when a payment is initially rejected. The retries are configured based on the subscription cycle (e.g., monthly, annual) and payment methods, with attempts scheduled at defined times during a grace period. These retries help recover failed payments and ensure that subscriptions continue without interruption, reducing the risk of churn. The grace period and retry attempts can be customized, with retries prioritized over the grace period to optimize payment recovery.
For more details on dunning settings, payment retries, and grace period configurations, please refer to the Cleeng Developer Portal.
Note: Dunning actions settings can be adjusted only if you do NOT use Merchant.
Customer Dunning Notifications
Working in unison with the above actions are ‘Customer Dunning notifications’. For each failed payment attempt, Cleeng's system will automatically send the customer a notification advising them of the failed attempt and asking the customer to check their provided payment method.
Workflow of Automated Payment Retrials and Customer Dunning Notification
Basically, the system performs multiple automated retrials before the due date to ensure that enough funds are available before the actual transaction. When authorizations fail, dunning emails are sent automatically.
Here are the contents of these emails:
1) E-mail stating that we cannot charge the payment and ask users to update the card details
2) Email explaining that the card is about to expire and the card needs to be changed to continue the subscription. (These emails will be sent between 20 days before the due date and the due date).
Additional information
Learn more about Dunning Action Settings in our Developers Portal.