Sending and scheduling dashboard shares by email
Cleeng’s dashboards can be easily shared with individuals or teams. You can also schedule the regular sharing of a dashboard.
This is useful if you want to view a dashboard at a regular interval (daily, weekly etc.), or if your team should see that dashboard at regular intervals. For example, you may want to see the Daily Update dashboard, which presents the previous day's key events, every morning.
Creating and editing schedules
To share a dashboard, click on Schedule delivery in the Settings menu.
Then ChurnIQ displays a scheduler assistant for setting up your dashboard share. The screen below shows an example Schedule dialog box for a dashboard delivered through email:
To schedule the sharing of a dashboard, simply configure the following settings:
- Name your schedule: you can either leave the default name (e.g. “Schedule Retain” as in the example in the screenshot above, or you can change the schedule name).
- Recurrence: Choose the frequency and time of the scheduled dashboard share.
- Destination: Choose Email if you want to share dashboards in this way.
Note: dashboards can also be saved on Google Drive or AWS S3. More options are available in the dropdown. - Email addresses: Enter team or individual email addresses of the recipients to add them to the scheduled share. Enter a single email address, or multiple addresses separated by commas.
- Format: Choose the format for the data in your delivery. For dashboards, you can choose:
- PDF: Your dashboard as a PDF attachment. The default layout displays tiles as they are arranged in the dashboard, but other layout and sizing options are available under Advanced Options.
- Visualization: A visualization of your dashboard in the body of the email in a single image file. The default layout displays tiles as they are arranged in the dashboard, but other layout and sizing options are available under Advanced Options.
- CSV ZIP file: The unformatted data from your dashboard, delivered as a collection of comma-separated values (CSV) files in a zipped directory.
Applying filters to the shared dashboard
If you are delivering a dashboard that has filters, you can filter the results delivered to each set of recipients. For example, you might send teams results that are filtered for the specific date:
You can configure these filters as you like for each dashboard shared.
Click Filters to see and modify the filters associated with this Look or dashboard for your data delivery. Changing these filter options in the Schedule window does not change the filters in your Look or dashboard. If a dashboard filter requires a filter value and the schedule filter is blank, a schedule will display no results upon delivery.
After ChurnIQ updates, you should review the Filters section of your scheduled dashboard shares and update the filters as needed to reflect changes.
If a scheduled share includes filters that no longer function, the scheduled delivery would not be filtered as intended. Such changes will always be documented in the release notes that accompany a ChurnIQ release.
Advanced Options
This section allows you to add a customized message in the body of the email, select page size and timezone.
Sending a dashboard instantly
After you have configured the schedule and clicked the Save button, you can instantly email data directly from a dashboard using the Send now option.
Otherwise, click Done to save the schedule you created.
That's it! The dashboard will then automatically be shared with the colleagues/teams you have added.