What is the Register step?
The Register step refers to the initial account creation step users of your platform will take. As a group to target with segment actions, they are users who do not have access to premium content.
Depending on your business model, free users represent either an advertising revenue source, or a pool of potential subscribers to your service who require some incentive to make a purchase.
Key Performance Goals
From free to subscription
A primary goal at this step is turning free users into subscribers. This means increasing the ratio of new subscriptions to new accounts at any time. It also means targeting users who have gone beyond the usual account setup-offer purchase timeframe and find ways to incentivise that transition.
Keeping free users engaged
A second important goal is to reduce the number of inactive free users there are. The more often they visit your platform, the more opportunities you have to persuade them to create that first subscription. Generally there are two groups to think about, longer term lapsed users and lapsing users.
Important Attributes
Time since account setup
The most important date for this group is when the user created their account. This can be used as primary event for pushing recent signups into a campaign flow. However, it is also a primary approach for categorising your free users. The most important distinction is whether they are a new, or a long-term free user on your platform.
Days since last login
A second key attribute is how long it has been since the customer last signed in with their account. This allows you to identify lapsed users, but also to see which long-term users keep coming back.
Segment Actions To Use
Registered > 1 day ago but have not subscribed
This segment were motivated enough to take the step of creating an account. The next step is to build on that momentum and make them a subscriber. Research shows that conversion will decline significantly after 48 hours of registration without a subscription. So this timeframe is critical for translating account signups into paid offers.
Action: Accelerate content discovery for this group, eg. with spotlights for your most popular premium content or library overviews.
Long term free accounts that have recent activity
This segment created an account some time previously without subscribing, but have recent logins to your platform. You can define long term as an account activation of > 90 days ago, and 'recent' activity as a login in the past 7 days. This segment's pattern requires some disruption in order to incentivise signup.
Action: Tease this group with upcoming premium only content. Alternatively, offer a price incentive, like 50% off for their first month.
Inactive recent signups
This group signed up in the past 7-10 days, but have not been active for the past 3 days. These users are drifting from your platform and require prompts to reengage them. While it may be worth incentivising them with a coupon, a primary goal should be to simply get them to return to your platform.
Action: Seek to reengage this group before they lapse, and they forget about your platform or find an alternative.