Cleeng clients frequently rely on Cognito as a trusted Identity Provider to seamlessly integrate with Cleeng's Core solution. This integration ensures secure and efficient customer authentication for their apps. AWS Cognito offers a comprehensive identity management solution, designed to handle peak usage, ensure robust security, and support both social and enterprise identity federation.
Cleeng and AWS Cognito
When AWS Cognito is integrated with Core, the following features will be handled by AWS Cognito instead of Core:
- User Registration
- Login, Social Login
- Password Reset
- Authentication
- Profile and Consent Management
Cleeng can integrate with many different authentication platforms. In the case of AWS Cognito, their default instructions and guidelines can be followed. Once the user is authenticated on AWS Cognito, the authenticated user can be automatically connected and authorized for Core.
The best way to integrate is through the MediaStore SDK and APIs that authenticate through the JWT mechanism using the SSO Login endpoint.
Please see the Single Sign-on tutorial.