At Cleeng, Subscriber Retention Management is our core focus. One great way to take care of retention is proper customer service.
The most convenient and user-friendly way is our self-service My Account module. It allows your customers to manage their accounts: see the details of their plans, and payment history, or make changes on their own, e.g. unsubscribe or resubscribe, update their profile details or payment information.
On top of that you require additional tools to serve your customers and you get them with Cleeng Core. These tools are available via the dashboard under the Customer tab.
The Customer Accounts section gives you the ability to manage your customer accounts, for example:
- look up customers’ accounts and view individual customer details (e.g. payment information, transaction history, email history, etc.),
- resend emails, or
- stop subscriptions on their behalf.
Although we are aware that some customers want or need to cancel their subscriptions it is also important to know that you have some simple retention tools available to you within the dashboard such as: creating a discount coupon for an additional period or extending a customer's access if needed.
You can also adjust the displayed information with the Manage columns action - e.g. you can add last login date or registration date metrics which are very useful while creating segments for automated marketing campaigns.
Read more about our customer service tools and learn how to use them to enhance your customer’s experience and improve retention.