The Offer step of the Retention Journey focuses on three performance dimensions that are especially important:
- Subscriber growth for each offer
- Revenue performance for each offer
- Subscriber growth by channel
Offer analytics can be used to understand the performance of your subscription offers and the variables that may affect them. At the business level, it is not easy to see how changes in any of those elements are affecting subscriber behavior. At the individual offer level, it is much more clear.
There are three tabs under the Offer dashboard in Cleeng:
- Offer Subscribers
- Channels
- Offer Churn
Offer Subscribers
These are some of the most important insights you can access about your offer performance from a subscriber perspective:
- Active Subscribers Today and Active Subscribers Today by Offer: How many subscribers have active content entitlement (free or paid) by offer as of the current day.
- Offer Evolution: How is my most popular offer trending? Is it getting stronger or starting to decline?
- Offer Subscriber Movement: How many new subscribers are there for each offer in a given period? How many subscribers have churned from each offer?
- Offer Upgrades & Downgrades Overview: How your subscribers switch between offers? Do they tend to upgrade or downgrade?
Offer Upgrades & Downgrades Overview
This table shows all the switches between offers and how many (Count) of these switches are both completed or pending.
Switch Direction can be classified as either Upgrade or Downgrade based on your offer switch settings (NOT the price of the offer, billing period, etc.)
Your Offer Channels dashboard answers questions relating to channel performance at the level of both subscriber growth and lifetime value:
- How many subscribers do I have for each channel?
- How many new/churned subscribers are there for each channel in any timeframe?
- What is the customer lifetime value for each channel?
- How are channels growing/declining in their effectiveness for subscriber acquisition?
Offer Churn
Your Offer Churn dashboard answers the following questions:
- Churn Rate Per Offer Top 5 (past 12 months): What was the churn rate for your most popular offers in the past 12 months?
- Churn Rate Per Channel (past 12 months): What was the churn rate for different channels in the past 12 months?