(1 min readtime)
Sometimes you may see that churned subscribers (and failed payments) have a payment method that is listed simply as 'Card'. In such cases, no credit card brand such as 'Visa' or 'Mastercard' is provided.
Seeing 'card' listed as the payment method does not indicate any problem with your platform, or with some specific method of payment. Rather it reflects the reporting practices of some payment gateways and how they share payment data.
Fo example, if a payment gateway fails to successfully charge a subscribers card for a subscription payment, some gateways will not share the card type or brand with the Cleeng platform.
Instead they will only share the information that an attempted card payment failed. So within ChurnIQ, the payment failure cannot be attached to any known method of payment, and the payment method is simply labelled as 'card'.
Therefore, seeing 'card' listed as a payment method does not suggest that there is a problem to be fixed, rather that the subscriber's card brand was not passed to the Cleeng platform.