In case you would like to close your existing Cleeng account, please submit an email to our Customer Support Team at or contact your dedicated Account Manager using the following format:
My name is [enter name] and I own or manage the account for [enter your account name].
I would like to request that my account be closed by [enter date] and I want to make sure I won’t have any issues when it comes to finances upon my exit. Here are the answers to the list of questions that you would like to address:
- Are you moving to a new platform? If so, what is the URL of the website or name of the app so we can redirect your users who will inquire? [enter answer]
- How are you planning to inform the users regarding the upcoming change? [enter answer]
- Will the subscription carry over or do the users have to sign up and re-purchase? [enter answer]
- Do you require migration of user accounts from the Cleeng database to the new platform? [enter answer]
- Do you require migration of payment details from the Cleeng payment gateway to the new payment gateway? [enter answer]
Please terminate all users being billed through Cleeng Merchant by [enter date].
Please terminate all data aggregations from other payment gateways and app stores by date [enter date].
*Note that there is an additional fee involved for migration out. Refer to Master Service Agreement - Termination Clause
Our commitment stays with you wherever you go and to ensure a frictionless exit, please make sure that you provide complete details.
- Customer data will be deleted upon your exit. To match the GDPR requirements, we will remove all PII (Personal Identifiers Information) from our database. The transactions and activity data will be kept to maintain system integrity.
- Your account will be automatically deleted upon your exit. If you wish to keep it active, please reach out to your Account Manager at Cleeng.
- If you would like to close your existing Cleeng account and withdraw the resting transactions, Cleeng will proceed with the payout of the resting, accumulated transactions, minus 75 Euros or U.S. Dollars as a deposit, due to the administrative fee for such a payout.
You can find more information on the Cleeng Payout or the CLEENG MASTER SERVICE AGREEMENT (CMSA).