Why an overview of one-time purchases?
Subscription billing is our bread-and-butter; however, it is not the only business model we support within the OTT space. Cleeng also supports other ways to monetize your premium video content from a non-recurring perspective, like:
- Live pay-per-view
- Rentals
- Passes
These models are particularly suited to monetize live content and help as a stepping stone to the more sustainable business model of subscriptions. To provide more insight into your financial and operational performance of these one-off events, we released a new overview, called One-time Purchase Overview.
The overview provides you and your team an instant overview of your transactions' volume, average and total transaction value and it hones into your offers and how they have performed compared to each other in the past weeks or days. Therefore, providing a good starting point for further optimising your single transaction offers.
Where can I find the One-time Purchases Overview?
The overview for one-time purchases or non-recurring transactions and offers can be found under the ‘Overview’ section on the navigation bar of ChurnIQ.
Key Metrics:
Transaction Volume
This is the total volume of single purchase transactions, like passes or live events, processed during the time period you have selected.
Transaction volume Trend
This is the trend of your non-recurring transactions in the selected timeframe.
Total Transaction Value
This is the total transaction revenue generated in the time period selected.
Transaction Value Trend
This is your recent trend for non-recurring revenue.
Average Transaction Value
This is the average value of an individual transaction processed during the time period that you selected.
Average Transaction Value
This is the average value of an individual transaction processed during the time period that you selected.
Volume by Offer
This is the total number of transactions for each of your non-recurring offers in the selected timeframe.
Revenue by Offer
This is the revenue generated by each of your non-recurring offers in the selected timeframe.
Average Transaction Value by Offer
This is the average value of an individual transaction processed during the time period you have selected.
Daily Offer Sales
This is the trend of your non-recurring offer sales in the selected timeframe.
Daily Offer Revenue
This is the trend of your non-recurring offer revenue in the selected timeframe.