What is a Live Pay-Per-View?
Live Pay-Per-View (PPV) is a live event that your customers can access after paying a one-time fee. Live PPV is a great model for exclusive content - from virtual classes to major sporting events.
If you are selling Live PPV events you can create an offer in only a few minutes!
How to set up a Live PPV offer?
The offer creation process consists of 4 main steps - they correspond to 4 sections in the offer setup wizard in the dashboard. Let’s go to the dashboard to get started:
1. Go to https://auth.cleeng.com/login and log in to your Cleeng account.
2. Click on the Offers & Coupons tab in the left menu. From here you will be able to create new live offers and edit the existing ones.
3. Click Create offer.
Step 1. Select offer type
Choose an offer type that you want to create - click a tile with Live PPV. Click Next.
Step 2. Provide offer information
Enter the basic information about your offer (title, event time frame, and timezone are required):
- Title (required) - give the name to the offer; it will be visible to your customers. If you don’t want to add any of the optional information, jump straight to the next step.
Optional information:
- Thumbnail URL (optional) - you can add a URL for an image that a web app can display for this offer, e.g. in the checkout
- Description (optional) - here you can add a longer teaser for the offer if you want to display it in your web app
- Event time frame (required) - define when the event starts and ends. Don’t forget to set both the date and time.
- Timezone (required) - from a dropdown menu, choose the timezone in which your event will take place.
- Add tags (optional) - tagging an offer controls which categories a customer will gain access to. By default, all offers are created with the tag “all”. You can learn more about using tags.
Advanced settings:
- App store product IDs (optional) - this allows you to match an existing in-app version of your offer with Cleeng's platform. Read more about connecting your In-App offers with Cleeng.
- Custom params (optional) - these allow you to add your own data to an offer, and are only shown to customers if you choose to do so.
Step 3. Provide pricing information
Enter the information about pricing (only the ticket type and price are required):
- Ticket type (required) - choose if you want to offer your event for free or set a price.
- Price (required) - if you chose to collect a fee for this event, enter the price for this offer.
Important: Please note that the ticket price is the actual consumer price and the fees will be deducted thereafter.
If you don’t want to add any of the optional information, jump straight to the next step.
- Geo restrictions (optional) - use it to limit content access to specific countries. You can either select Allow in or Block in and choose the countries from the drop-down list. By default, no geo restrictions are applied - content is available everywhere. Read more about geo targeting.
Step 4. Add localizations
This step is optional. You can find out more in Creating offer localizations.
If you want to adjust the offer you’re creating to customers in different countries, you can create localized versions in the Localization section. For each country you select, you can adjust the title, price, currency, description, and free trial period.
Depending on what is more convenient for you, choose one of these options:
- Add One - choose it if you want to adjust the offer for one or a few countries from different regions.
- Add Multiple - choose this option if you want to adjust the offer for more countries from one region (e.g. Europe):
- Select the region
- Select countries (you can tick the option Select all to bulk-mark all, or just tick the countries you want)
- Click Add local offers
- Once they are added, you can adjust local settings: click the Edit button next to each country and make your adjustments. (If at this point you decide to remove a localized offer, you can click the Delete button to do it).
1. Review your offer.
Note: When you click Finish setup, you won’t be able to delete the offer in the dashboard, however, you will be able to deactivate it.
2. Once you’re happy with your newly created offer, click Finish setup.
3. You’ll see the summary of the settings for the pass offer you just created.
Your offer will have its ID assigned (e.g. P123456789_PL). Offer localizations will have respective country codes added (e.g. P123456789_NL for the Netherlands).
On the right side of the screen, you can see a menu with actions you can take, for example editing the offer or creating checkout.
If you’re setting up an offer for the first time, continue below to find out about creating checkout.
Create checkout
Select the Create checkout option from the menu on the right side of the screen. It will trigger a popup with a few-step instruction.